A compiled heap of my poetry, memoirs and personal insights of past and present.
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Answer!
Yesterday one of my friends was coming home from the airport, so another friend suggested that we Post-It note his entire car...and that's exactly what we did!
I highly recommend trying this. With twelve people. It only took us an hour.
Holly- Girl, it was so much fun. My friend thought it was awesome. His first respose apparently was "Hey! That person's car has Post-It's all over it!" And my friend said something like, "Dude that YOUR car."
Tom- No he didn't drive it away. The car was parked in his complex. We debated removing the ones on the windsheild and taking it for a slow spin, but realized that the Post- Its would still probably fly off. Since all my friends are very "Green" people, they didn't want to litter!
LOL!! Colleen, you crack me up. I wish we lived closer. I am thinking Washington & Florida are about as far away as we can get & still be part of the contiguous states though. =P
Oh my goodness. I'm sending my husband the link for this one. I've heard of toliet papering a car (have personally been involved in that one), but post-it-ing a car? Very original! (and expensive)
You are FUN!
I wish I was there for the fun!
I want to know your friend's reaction when he came home to find this!!!!
Holly- Girl, it was so much fun. My friend thought it was awesome. His first respose apparently was "Hey! That person's car has Post-It's all over it!" And my friend said something like, "Dude that YOUR car."
Note to My blogger friends...Posts that break any of the 10 commandments will be immed-J-iatly removed. =)
Commandment #3 (Insert British Accent) "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
That's awesome!!!
Did you delete someone's post for being bad? Dun dun dunnnn
This is really awesome though. Nice work C.
Thanks D.
Jeanna- Yeah, my friends be awesome like that!
I wanna know if he drove it home that way! Of course, with the ones removed off the windshields.
Tom- No he didn't drive it away. The car was parked in his complex. We debated removing the ones on the windsheild and taking it for a slow spin, but realized that the Post- Its would still probably fly off. Since all my friends are very "Green" people, they didn't want to litter!
LOL!! Colleen, you crack me up. I wish we lived closer. I am thinking Washington & Florida are about as far away as we can get & still be part of the contiguous states though. =P
Oh my goodness. I'm sending my husband the link for this one. I've heard of toliet papering a car (have personally been involved in that one), but post-it-ing a car? Very original! (and expensive)
I love that I made your blog. Especially since your blog is like on the NY Times best blog list.
Good work on the post it noting too. That was a work of art. I do wish I drove it but we are too green for that haha.
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