Monday, October 29, 2007

"Teacher! Teacher!"

In pre-school we've been learning about creation. I read this book about birds to the children and how the mamma bird feeds all her baby birds and the babies cheep really loud while being fed. I was thinking today, that I feel like a mamma bird and they are my cheeping birdies, all fourteen of them... at the same time.


~**Dawn**~ said...

As only someone who did five years of daycare (with one year olds no less!) can say: I know *exactly* what you mean.

By the way, I don't know if you have your account set up to email you when you receive new comments on a post, but if not, I left comments on "Feet Stew" and "The Beginning..."

Lindsay Blau Portnoy said...

Adorable! And aren't you proud of the impact you will have on their little lives? I miss teaching so much these days. It's not the same teaching teachers as it is teaching little ones... please share more of these cute stories with us!

Colleen said...

Dawn- Hey you read the rest! Yeah, I wanted you to know that I was giving you props for "The Beginning."

Colleen said...

Lindsay- I feel like it's more of a be helping with the wee ones. Sometimes, I wonder who they will be and what they will look like when they grow up. I will deffinatly share more stories as they come up =)Can't wait to check your blog for more yummy eats!