Saturday, October 13, 2007

"You're so Vain ..."

Apparently I am a glutton for punishment. Some of you may remember from this post about how miserable I was after I cut off my long hair. SO...I waited six months for my hair to grow out two inches and stupidly I went back. Because I guess I can't get enough of a bad thing. I thought that being VERY SPECIFIC would do the trick. "I want a trim." I said. "Cause I'm trying to grow it back out. I want it all one length." I am not into high fashion trendy hair cuts. I hate the word trendy. I like clean lines and simple cuts that flatter the face. I am not into the "chunky" look. I'm not into layers (on me) The Rachel haircut went out as fast as it came in as far as I'm concerned.

Well anyway, I feel like I now have the NW version of "The Rachel" minus the mousse and highlights. I was so mad yesterday I almost cried in the car on the way home. My stylist did whatever he wanted and I am crushed. I admit that it looks pretty good...but when it's not what you asked for-especially on a woman-especially when it's her hair, it's like removing a part of what makes her feel feminine. Okay, fine...maybe I'm a little over dramatic about the feminine thing but you get the picture. So if you ever actually meet me...I didn't ask for this.

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